Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Now What Big Brother?

Well a lot has happened in these last couple of episodes…there has been drama, secrets, tension, crying and oh yeah the saboteur is gone! Haha what are you gonna do CBS now that your big twist has been flushed down the toilet! Annie was the saboteur, now I admit that I was shocked to find out she was the saboteur & so were the BB housemates! They wanted to split up the Rachel & Brendon team first off that’s why they were nominated and then Brendon wins POV and pulls himself out & Annie is put up. You would think that the people of the house would stick with their plan and break up the showmance couple (They should have cuz Rachel is now HOH) but instead they vote Annie off 10 to ZIP! Annie shouldn’t have freaked out when she found out she was being put up for elimination, then maybe she would have lasted longer..maybe! So now what CBS? What are you gonna do now?

Rachel won the HOH competition but Brendon is part of the Have Not’s team so sorry to say there won’t be any major nightly make out sessions for those two at least for a little while. Wouldn’t it be funny if Brendon won the next HOH, I’d laugh! Heck I thought it was funny when Rachel won HOH and then she nominated Britney & Monet BIG SHOCK…OK not really! All those two seem to do is sit around and talk shit, mostly about Rachel so DUH they are gonna be nominated! According to some “Big Brother Twitters” Britney wins the POV and we all know she is going to save herself. That means Rachel has to pick someone else to be put up for elimination…who will it be?

I think anyone is fair game except Brendon, because they all ganged up on the showmancers! Personally I REALLY REALLY want to see Enzo get booted! I can’t stand him, with his MEOW and his Brigade (Arggg…Pirates we be) Enzo needs to go back to his Momma! Realistically though I bet it’s going to be Andjew or Matt, because Andrew is well Andjew and Matt needlessly stuck his neck out! Out of the two I would rather see Andjew go home only because I would like to see Matt demonstrate his superior knowledge…if he has any!

This being the first season I have watched Big Brother, honestly I’m not impressed at all! I’m still watching it because my friends watch it and I guess it’s giving me a topic of conversation and something to make fun of at the very least! This show better make some vast improvements in this season or it will be the last time I watch & I’m sure I’m not the only one out there thinking this season is pretty lame! Let’s get the ball rolling CBS! Until next time…

Big Brother Round 2

So here we are the second show now over and the entire show was packed full of whispering, plotting, secrets and teaming up! I use the term “teaming up” loosely because the Jersey boy Enzo would rather call it his Mafia or brigade or whatever…it’s stupid either way! I didn’t like him in the first place and now even less, I mean come on, nick names…you gotta be kidding me, MEOW! Next thing you know they will want a logo, a secret handshake and be speaking in code. Doesn’t anyone else see what a huge cheese ball this guy is, or is it just me?

Hayden’s choices for elimination are Brendon and Rachel because Brendon got up during the black out…and the Jersey Cheese Ball suggested Brendon…sometimes I wish I could reach through the TV and smack people upside the head! Last time I though Matt was the saboteur, now I think it’s Enzo, maybe! I don’t think CBS would make such a dope the saboteur but ya never know! What happened to them telling us who the saboteur is? Oh well, back to the eliminations, so Rachel is up for eliminations because her and Brendon had chemistry together (pun intended)…that’s stupid but oh well! I was actually kinda starting to like Brendon (sorta) and if he is the saboteur and he gets kicked off then what? If there is no more plot twist, then the show will just be normal, no more conspiracies, no more plotting, no more “saboteur suggestions” from the viewers…then what, the whole show is screwed and will be boring!

I take back what I said about thinking Enzo is the saboteur, I think Kathy is now! When Britney suggested that Kathy be put up for elimination Hayden should have listened to her, The hill-billy cougar got stuck in caramel and didn’t move at all and she’s just slow and old. Then she has the balls to s**t talk to Britney about her being pathetic and slow, really now, Kathy needs to go!!! I really have no idea who the saboteur is now, Matt, Kathy, Enzo or maybe Dr. Jew…so confused!

Speaking of caramel, what is with the props in the games? They are huge and Corny! Last time is was giant weiners and now it’s jumbo popcorn. What next, is gonna be a huge turkey and they have to dig through the stuffing in side to find something! I’m just saying that the props in this show are a bit to gaudy and over the top! LOL speaking of gaudy…Annie and Ragan’s little bonding moment was cute & then I threw up in my mouth a little! Joking aside (again) you’ll notice that allies are being formed, which is great because with allies comes enemies…muhahahah, let the drama ensue!!! Until next time…maybe! ^_^

Big Brother 12 and so it begins…

With the first show over with I know most of you out there already have your favorite people and the ones you wanna see booted off and of course the big twist who is the Saboteur? Now I must admit I’m not a reality TV fan and this is my first time watching BB so this is really my first exposure to the goings on in the Big Brother house & I guess it’s fairly interesting so far… While watching this season opener I noticed that almost all of them are lying to each other about something or another. Which is all fine and dandy because you know the lies will come out eventually and then the drama will ensue, and we all know reality TV is not fun with out a little drama…or a showmance O_o

So the big twist…who is the Saboteur? Why are they going to tell us who it is in episode two? Ever heard of suspense CBS? Isn’t there a show that has this twist already…The Mole! All kidding aside, I have my pick on who I think the saboteur is and my friends think differently. They believe that Andrew is the saboteur! Their reasons are: 1 – He poked a little too much fun at the saboteur when it was first announced! 2 – He volunteered a little too quickly for the mascot job! 3 – When Britney hurt her knee he didn’t offer to help! 4 – Lastly he was being a prankster when the lights went out! They are all justifiable reasons yes but they are also very obvious reasons too! If you think about it the saboteur wouldn’t want to be found out in the first episode would they? They are not out to sabotage themselves, unless they really stupid! Which is why I think Matt is the Saboteur, and I have my reasons to back it up! First Matt is a little too quiet through the entire episode, you barely see him! He like so many of the others kept some secrets, like the fact he’s a genius (or so he says) and who better to plot against a house full of “non-geniuses” than a genius! So until the next episode I’m sticking to my guns and saying Matt is the saboteur!

The first HOH is Hayden and the only one safe from elimination is Andrew. It’s only the beginning so there really aren’t any major showmance’s or bromance’s going on yet so anyone is fair game!! Personally, I would love to see Kathy & Enzo be put up for elimination. My reasons…well, Kathy is for one is a sheriff and she’s just a bit on the old side (she does have a kid that’s almost as old as her housemates) and lastly I can’t stand her accent y’all! I know they are petty reasons but who cares! My reasons for wanting the snotty, Hair Club for Men, Jersey boy who lives with his momma to go….hmmm…he just rubs me the wrong way, ya know! For my favorites of the BB house, um, I have none…yet! I guess I kind of like all the others except the previously mentioned and I’m sure that will change as the season progresses, if I even watch it! ^_^ With that I will bring this post to an end…until next time…

Can Dakota Fanning jump the gap?

I recently read an article on Dakota Fanning here > it basically talks about how Dakota Fanning has grown up right in front of our eye’s, on screen of course! Now that she is 16 she is no longer that cute little girl from War of the Worlds, even though personally I think she still has the child like face like in the Newest Twilight saga movie Eclipse. Then I saw her in the movie The Runaways…not so child like and innocent looking in that, but it just goes to show you that she is growing up and branching out in to new roles and I do have to say she is a good actress and so far seems to be able to do the versatile roles like in the movie Hounddog that poor kid has rough go in life & she played it well! I’m not a huge Dakota Fanning fan but I am a fan and don’t get me wrong I like the kid & will definitely keep my eye on her as she progresses and we’ll just wait and see if she can really bridge the gap from Child Star to Adult Actress, like Tatum O’neal, Drew Barrymore & Kristen Dunst have before her! Until next time…

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So here are some funny pictures I found browsing the Interwebs, Enjoy!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


the Japanese site PIXIV is gay...yes I said gay (IMO) why? Well, as with Deviantart it is a site for people to upload their art & creations for the world to see...and only see!!! That's is why I'm claiming it's gay because you can look but you should NOT save anything or use for anything else (like a wallpaper) because that's stealing! okay yeah I can see that, but if you do use an image and credit the creator I don't see a problem, if you don't want your shit used then don't expose it to the public on the Internet...because then millions of people are on the Internet and that's just how shit goes...if the whiny people there didn't want their images used then they should make it so all the images have a GIANT annoying logo across the image, so that this copyright problem won't happen, seriously how dumb can people be...if it's an good quality image available to the public then it should be OK to use for whatever!!! Deviantart art is fine to use if you get permission & credit the artist, so why is Pixiv so anal about's not like the art there is world class and needs to be protected like a national monument. There is no Miku Hatsune picture comparable to the Mona Lisa! So just Chillax pixiv artisans and be happy people think your crap is worth something! *rolls eye*

Friday, November 6, 2009

Catholic School Girl Joke


A bus load of Catholic School Girls gets hit by a train and they all die and get sent to heaven. When they arrive in heaven St. Peter has them all line up in front of the Pearly white gates and asks the first girl in line "have you ever came in contact with any part of the male anatomy?" The first girl replies "I did touch the tip of IT with my finger once" So St. Peter says okay and dips her finger in holy water.

Then St. Peter asks the next girl in line the same question and she replies "I stroked a thingy once" so St. Peter says okay and dips her whole hand in holy water.

Then there is this big commotion in the back of the line and this one girl pushes her way to the front. St. Peter asks the girl "What seems to be the problem" The girl replies "If I have to gargle this holy water then I want to do it before Sara sticks her ass in it"

Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains. Fade to black!